Doctoral Degree
Degree Highlights
Rutgers School of Engineering’s research-driven doctoral program in Biomedical Engineering is designed for promising students aiming to make original contributions to the field of biomedical engineering. We offer two programs in conjunction with Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School: a traditional doctoral degree as well as a joint medical/doctoral degree program.
Applied Learning
The doctoral degree is essential for those planning careers in research and/or academia. Our faculty and students work together to advance key areas of bioengineering and technology, including molecular systems; nanosystems and microsystems; tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; biomechanics and rehabilitation engineering; physiologic systems; and bioinstrumentation, biomedical imaging, and neuroengineering.
- Doctoral coursework and research are integrated to provide the strong foundation in applied physics/ mathematics, biology and physiology necessary to create innovative, breakthrough solutions in health and biomedicine.
- Core courses include:
- Bioimaging Methods
- Biosignal Processing and Biomedical Imaging
- Biocontrol, Modeling and Computation
- Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Transport in Biomedicine
- Biomechanics and Biomaterials
- Advanced courses include:
- Mathematical Modeling for Biomedical Engineering
- Structure and Dynamics in Adult and Stem Cell Biology
- Interdisciplinary Biostatistics Research Training for Molecular and Cellular Sciences: Enhancing Rigor and Reproducibility
- Medical Device Development
- Professional Development (5 courses)

Degree Requirements
- 72 credits – 35 course credits and 37 research credits
- Written and oral qualifying exams
- Dissertation proposal and defense

PhD Training Program in Biotechnology
Rutgers BME also offers a PhD training program in biotechnology, one of a select group of programs throughout the country funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH).
The aim of the program is to train a new breed of creative investigators who are able to translate basic science discoveries into technology developments for the needs of society, government, and industry. Students in the program; (1) become well educated within a single biotechnology-related discipline (e.g.biochemistry, chemical engineering, molecular biology), and (2) become fluent in the language, approaches and principles of the biological and physical sciences, in general. Find out more>>