Martin L. Yarmush

The research activities in Professor Yarmush’s laboratory broadly address scientific and engineering aspects of various challenging areas in biotechnology and bioengineering including tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; targeted drug delivery; metabolic engineering; BioMEMS and nanotechnology; and biomedical devices. His lab is currently developing: an automated robotic venipuncture devices with point-of-care capabilities (; new nanoparticle technology to enhance wound healing; microfabricated systems to enhance gene transfer with application to CAR T cells; pulsed electric field techniques to promote scarless wound healing, wound disinfection, skin rejeuvenation, and hair growth; and encapsulated mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and osteoarthritis. Success in tackling these projects is enabled using a diverse set of state-of-the-art techniques that include microfabrication and nanotechnology; physical biochemistry; genomics, proteomics and genetic engineering; cell biology and tissue engineering; advanced microscopic imaging; physiologic instrumentation; animal studies; and numerical simulation. Students and postdocs are sought who can develop as independent investigators quickly.
• 2020: The Sackler Scholar, Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies, Tel Aviv U, Israel
• 2020: Daniel Gorenstein Memorial Award, Rutgers U
• 2018: Lady Davis Visiting Faculty Fellow & Institute Lecturer, Hebrew U, Jerusalem Israel
• 2017: Fellow, US National Academy of Engineering
• 2015: Robert A. Pritzker Distinguished Lecture Award, BMES
• 2015: Fellow, US National Academy of Inventors
• 2013: Top 20 Translational Researchers, Nature Biotechnology
• 2011: Food, Pharmaceutical & Bioengineering Division Award, AIChE
• 2009: Keynote Speaker, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference
• 2006: Fellow, New Jersey High Tech Hall of Fame
• 2006: NIH Career Enhancement Award for Stem Cell Research
• 1993: Founding Fellow, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering
• 1992: Board of Trustees Award for Excellence in Research, Rutgers U
• 1989: NIH Research Career Development Award
• 1988: NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
• 1987: Lucille P. Markey Scholar Award in Biomedical Science
• Postdoctoral, Immunology and Immunogenetics, National Institutes of Health (NIH), 1978-1979
• MD, Medicine, Yale University, 1983
• PhD, Biophysical Chemistry, The Rockefeller University, 1979
• PhD Studies, Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 1982- 1984
• BA, Biology/Chemistry, Yeshiva University, 1975